The Student Selector allows you to select a group of students for whom you want to work.
Click the Options Menu, verify the Site in which you want to work is selected in the Site Drop Down List Box.
Then click Student Reports to select a Report.
The Report Form will appear.
Click .
The Site Student Selector will open in a different tab.
To print the report for ALL students:
1. Click .
2. All students will appear in the grid at the TOP of the Student Selector. The number of Students Selected will appear at the top of the Site Student Selector.
3. Click on the Student Information Tab, OR close out of the Student Selector and ALL students will be selected.
The number of students selected will appear on the Report Form next to the Show Student Selector Link.
To print the report for a specific group of students:
1. Open the Site Student Selector as instructed above.
2. Those students listed in the grid at the TOP of the Student Selector are those who will appear on the report.
Use the Filter in the Column Header to filter for the appropriate Students.
For example, if you want to print the report for 9th grade Students, click
(Filter Icon) in the Grade Column Header.
Then, select 09 from the list. Click
To filter by more demographic information, click .
The Columns Box will appear. Click in
the appropriate Column Header and select the criteria by which you want
to filter. Click
4. You can apply as many filters as necessary.
The number of Students Selected will appear at the top of the Site Student
6. Click on the Student Information Tab, OR close out of the Student Selector.
The number of students selected will appear on the Report Form next to the Show Student Selector Link.
The filter will remain applied to the Student Selector until you clear
the filter. To do this, go back into the Site Student Selector.
Click at
the bottom right of the TOP grid.
To add a column (demographic info) to the grid:
1. Click .
2. The Columns Box will appear.
3. Locate the column header you want to add.
4. Left-click your mouse, hold down the mouse and drag it into the Column Header until the gray arrow appears. Then, release the mouse.
5. You may apply the filter as described in the 'To print the report for a specific group of students' instructions above.
6. You can apply as many filters as necessary.
7. Click Options (upper right corner of screen), Layout, Set as Default to save as the default layout. (Note: This will save all filters applied and columns added/removed as the Student Selector default layout when you open the Student Selector.)
Note: The filter will remain
applied to the Student Selector until you clear the filter. To do this,
click at
the bottom right of the TOP grid.
To remove a column (demographic info) to the grid:
1. Click .
2. The Columns Box will appear.
3. Locate the column you want to remove.
4. Left-click your mouse, hold down the mouse and move the Column Header back into the Columns Box.
5. Release the mouse.
6. Click Options (upper right corner of screen), Layout, Set as Default to save as the default layout. (Note: This will save all filters applied and columns added/removed as the Student Selector default layout when you open the Student Selector.)
To apply additional filters to the grid:
1. Locate the additional filter in the Filter Objects Grid at the bottom of the screen.
If you want to exclude a specific group from the report, use the Filter
Object Mode Drop Down List Box to select Exclude.
3. Clicknext to the appropriate
Filter Object Name. For example, if you want to filter for Hispanic/Latino
students, click
next to Race/Ethnicity Reporting.
4. The Columns Box will appear and the Use Filter Check Box will be checked.
5. Click next to the criteria for
which you want to filter in the Columns Box. For the example, you would
click the Filter Icon next to Hispanic/Latino and select True.
6. Those students will appear in the grid on the bottom right.
7. The filter icon will
now display in blue.
7. You may apply as many filters as necessary.
8. Click .
9. The Student Selector Grid (at the top) will populate accordingly.
10. The number of Students selected will appear at the top of the Site Student Selector.
11. Click on the Student Information Tab, OR close out of the Site Student Selector.
The number of students selected will appear on the Report Form next to the Show Student Selector Link.
Note: The filter(s) will
remain applied to the Student Selector until you clear the filter. To
do this, click by the Filter Objects Grid.